Event Date
Reception: 3:30 PM Physics & Astronomy Atrium
Zoom Link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97424186946?pwd=QWxMS09VZ1lQQ1J6N2Vmem5wdWxTQT09
Speaker: Yashwanth Bezawada, UCD Physics
Title: Ghostbusters: The Little Neutral One
Abstract: Neutrinos are the most abundant and most elusive particles in the universe. Significant progress has been made in the last 50 years to understand the properties of these particles. But, there are still some questions about neutrino mass hierarchy, CP violation in the neutrino sector, and the abundance of matter over antimatter in the universe. Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international experiment dedicated to addressing some of these unanswered questions at the forefront of particle physics.
Neutron production from neutrino interaction brings a large uncertainty on neutrino energy reconstruction. Liquid argon (LAr) being the primary detector material in DUNE, it is important to understand the neutron propagation and capture in LAr. In this talk, I will give an introduction to neutrinos and the science goals of DUNE, and talk about some of the work we are doing at Davis which include neutron transmission experiments in LAr and a neutron based calibration system for the DUNE far detector.
Speaker: Victoria Norman, UCD Physics
Title: Measurements of NIR quantum nanophotonics in the ICECAP system
Abstract: Deployment of quantum telecommunication technologies requires single-photon light emission, collection and detection capability at each network node in cryogenic environments. I will briefly give an overview of quantum nano photonics and then describe a 3-in-1 system that incorporates single-photon detectors into an optical cryostat operating at temperatures below 2 K dubbed ICECAP. We utilize this system to characterize emission from silicon carbide color centers in photoluminescence and time-resolved measurements. Moreover, we demonstrate the first optical characterization of nitrogen-vacancy centers integrated in 4H-SiC nanopillars, a promising telecom fiber compatible platform for future quantum internet applications.