QuIST Colloquium - Veronika Hubeny, UC Davis Physics

Veronika Hubeny

Event Date

1310 Walker Hall

This event is a part of the Quantum Information Science and Technology (QuIST) Colloquium series. There will be a pre-colloquium reception at 2:30 pm at 1310 Walker Hall.

Speaker: Veronika Hubeny, UC Davis Physics      

Title: Holographic entanglement

Abstract: In the holographic setting of gauge/gravity duality, there has been a growing expectation that the emergence of the bulk gravitational spacetime is rooted in the entanglement structure of the dual gauge theory.  While the deep connection remains mysterious, an early hint came from the holographic entanglement entropy prescription, which expresses the boundary entanglement entropy in terms of simple geometric constructs in the bulk.  This talk will review this construction and its recent recasting presented in [2208.10507]

Bio: Veronika Hubeny is a theoretical physicist, currently a Professor in the Department of Physics at University of California, Davis, and one of the founding members of the Center for Quantum Mathematics and Physics (QMAP).  She received her PhD in Physics in 2001 from UC Santa Barbara, held postdoctoral research position at Stanford University (and at UC Berkeley for a few months) followed by a Professorial position in Durham University in the UK, before joining the faculty at UC Davis in 2015.

Her research interests lie mainly in areas of string theory and quantum gravity.   Hoping to elucidate the fundamental nature of spacetime, she is particularly fascinated by 'holographic dualities' which describe higher-dimensional gravitational theory by a lower-dimensional non-gravitational one. Much of her work involves deeper understanding of black holes within this context, and their mysterious links to quantum information theory.