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Speaker: Hiroki Sukeno, Stony Brook University
Title: Physics and quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory with mid-circuit measurement
Abstract: As quantum technology advances, mid-circuit measurement capabilities have emerged across various platforms, which are essential for the long-term goal of fault-tolerant quantum computation. At the same time, the active use of measurement has opened a new window into theoretical condensed matter physics. In this talk, I will discuss recent studies in this area through the lens of lattice gauge theory. We introduce a concept we term measurement-based quantum simulation, where dynamical quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory is driven by single-qubit measurements on a family of tailor-made symmetry-protected topologically ordered states. We will explore its connections to the tensor-product construction of quantum error correction codes, the anomaly inflow mechanism, Kramer-Wannier-Wegner dualities, and entanglement transitions in measurement- only circuits. This talk is based on Refs. [1, 2, 3].
[1] Hiroki Sukeno and Takuya Okuda. Measurement-based quantum simulation of Abelian lattice gauge theories. SciPost Physics, 14(5):129, May 2023.
[2] Takuya Okuda, Aswin Parayil Mana, and Hiroki Sukeno. Anomaly inflow for CSS and fractonic lattice models and dualities via cluster state measurement. SciPost Physics, 17(4):113, October 2024.
[3] Hiroki Sukeno, Kazuki Ikeda, and Tzu-Chieh Wei. Bulk and boundary entanglement transitions in the projective gauge-Higgs model. Phys. Rev. B, 110(24):245102, December 2024.