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Speaker: Yaroslav Herasymenko, TU Delft
Title: Tackling many-body complexity with quantum information tools
Abstract: Some of the most outstanding challenges in theoretical physics concern quantum systems of interacting particles. Solving such many-body problems on a computer is a challenging task: in general, it is characterized by exponential complexity. In which cases of interest can this complexity be provably alleviated, and when it cannot? This question will be the focus of my presentation. I will start by reviewing three of my results, ranging from variational quantum algorithms; to the complexity of fermionic low-energy states; to many-body state learning algorithms. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss a few directions I envision for future work. These include using simulable quantum circuits and semi-definite programming hierarchies to solve many-body problems. While these newer projects concern quantum physics and are based on ideas from quantum information theory, they aim to give efficient classical algorithms.